A little plug

I started a cooking blog.
Why? You can go here for the answer to that question...

In the end, the blog is mainly to help me keep all my recipes in one easily accessible place, organized and ready to use. I also want to be able to share easy recipes with my friends who, like me, struggle to get a decent dinner on the table, night after night after night after.....

If you would like to contribute an easy recipe, by all means, please let me know :) I will give you full credit, link to your blog, etc.

I hope it keeps me cooking and eating out less, and I hope it helps a few of you as well!!

Not a Cook at Heart


sunnyd said…
Yaay! I'm excited about this...lately I've been sick and, well, have a toddler, so it is getting harder to plan and make meals. I started an herb/cooking blog....buuut haven't posted anything yet!
Anonymous said…
Awesome!! I'm sure you're a better cook than I am :) Let me know when it is up and running!!
Oops, anonymous on my own blog :) haha That comment was from me!

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