An article from Desiring God

This article, by Rachael Jankovic, is awesome. Go read it for yourself if you are a will encourage you! This is my favorite part:

"Christian mothers carry their children in hostile territory. When you are in public with them, you are standing with, and defending, the objects of cultural dislike. You are publicly testifying that you value what God values, and that you refuse to value what the world values. You stand with the defenseless and in front of the needy. You represent everything that our culture hates, because you represent laying down your life for another—and laying down your life for another represents the gospel."

And this part was very convicting...and also freeing:

"Lay down the imaginary life you could have had by yourself. Let it go."

The other day (yesterday?? I have my days mixed up often ;) ) Derek was jokingly (well, probably only half-joking!) talking about how nice being a bachelor would be right now. I said, "Oh man, I know! That would be the life, right?" And I made a point to say that being a BACHELOR would be "the life," not being a bachelorette. Bachelors don't have to worry about being a female living alone in a scary apartment or anything like that, and they certainly get away with a lot of filth and very little decorating, if any!

Anyway, of course we love where God has us now, but we can't help but think every now and then about how different (and easier!) life would be without kids or various responsibilities that come with having a family and owning a home (etc.) We have to let that go, though. The truth is, everyone (well, almost everyone) has responsibilities and stresses that we often even create for ourselves, regardless of the people in our lives who depend on us. Most people we know live well at the limits of or above their means. In other words, even if we didn't have kids, we would still find some way to spend the money we have, use the minutes of our day doing something, and find all kinds of excuses to get out of things like eating right, exercising, etc. etc.

Am I treating my children like they are my burden? Or a gift, a joy, a treasure from the Lord...

Do I love these boys with a steadfast, unconditional love that can only come through God's provision and patience?

"You might fool a few people. That person in line at the store might believe you when you plaster on a fake smile, but your children won’t. They know exactly where they stand with you. They know the things that you rate above them. They know everything you resent and hold against them. They know that you faked a cheerful answer to that lady, only to whisper threats or bark at them in the car.

Children know the difference between a mother who is saving face to a stranger and a mother who defends their life and their worth with her smile, her love, and her absolute loyalty."

Ouch. Some days, I do have to fake it RIGHT in front of my kids...but all in all, I hope my children know that they are the joys of my life. That everything they do and say, even when I have to redirect and correct them when they are out of line, brings me deep satisfaction in knowing that I (as their mom) have the privilege of walking alongside them as they do life.

I, too, often hear, "Wow! Your hands are full!" every.single.time I am in public with my four boys. That's not a lie or an exaggeration, folks!! I have come up with a different response, however, than the author of this article.

"No, my hands are overflowing. There are four of them and only one of me...would you like to lend me a hand?" (but I like her response as well, and might just have to borrow it :) )

(Oh, and after seeing the long list of her children and their names and ages, I {of course!} had to buy her book.)


Jessica said…
loved this post. let me know what you think of the book!

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