Our Saturday

Derek has gotten into playing tennis with a guy from school lately...and therefore, Titus and Justus are into playing tennis as well:) After playing at home this morning, I had a baby shower given by the girls in our homegroup. 4 of us are pregnant right now, so this shower was for the 3 of us who are due in Nov and Dec. It was so much fun being showered with gifts, feeling loved, and getting some much needed girl time (not much of that going on around here!!) I received so many cute clothes for Eli, much needed things we registered for, many CUTE homemade items, and so many thoughtful gifts. The theme was pumpkins, so we all took home a little baby pumpkin!! Thanks to all the hostesses!!!! Here's a funny stairstep pic of us prego girls...

Finally, we ended the day watching Derek and his friend from school play tennis. Justus played as well, and I must say...he is quite the athlete. Happy Saturday!!


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