A wintery mix of emotions

If you couldn't tell by this post, I really don't like the cold. I just don't. I have gotten worse in my old age, I guess ;) because my distaste for the snow, ice, and cold temperatures is growing. We finally got out of the house today, though. Yep, that's right...my knight in shining armor drove us to ChickFilA with only one incident to (not) speak of.

Anyway, while we were out, I was just struck by the beauty of the snow. I mean, it's an amazing display of God's creativity! Not only that, but the season of winter serves quite a purpose.

Did you know that in the winter, trees' and plants' roots have to go deeper into the soil to find warmth...and therefore gain strength in doing so? One cannot help but see the symbolism in our walk with the Lord. I might not ENJOY shivering, layering clothes, or being stuck in the house for days on end. Yet, if it forces me to dig my "roots" into Jesus a little deeper? To recognize my need for the warmth only His light and love and discipline can provide? To actually stop and be thankful for my warm house, blankets, and clothes that so many others are without?

Well, then, I'd say the winter was totally worth it.

"Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the LORD,

“ Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool."
Isaiah 1:18


Anonymous said…
Amen to all that!!! It changes everything.....every difficult situation, every lonely moment....and when we are forced to dig deeper, our Lord is always there ready to meet us at our point of greatest need. Seasons teach us so much!

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