Raising Real Men, Part 2
Continuing to read about the REAL superheroes I should introduce and tell my sons about, this week's reading discussed the importance that the number one hero of anyone (boy or girl!) should of course be Christ. Even though this fact seems obvious, there is an important catch. So often, the Jesus our kids hear about and see in pictures (etc.) is not necessarily an accurate display of the Jesus we want them to know. Our pastor jokingly talks about paintings of Jesus that are truly comical...I mean, really?? Some of them make Jesus look like a woman.
The true Savior who conquered DEATH is who we should be teaching our sons about. I want my boys to be disciples of THAT Jesus. Jesus was not effeminate, He was not "a softy." Yes, He loved and He was compassionate...of course! He was also strong and brave, bold, daring, outspoken, firm, and steadfast. HE was a real man.
The true Savior who conquered DEATH is who we should be teaching our sons about. I want my boys to be disciples of THAT Jesus. Jesus was not effeminate, He was not "a softy." Yes, He loved and He was compassionate...of course! He was also strong and brave, bold, daring, outspoken, firm, and steadfast. HE was a real man.
I also read the Young's opinions and strategies for choosing and reading through great literature with their boys. They had many recommendations for different ages, and they talked about censoring different material, including television and art. I think the best part was about training our sons to choose to look away on their own, without any prompting from us, the parents. If they see something on TV (or even in the check out line at the store), they need to know how to recognize when things are not appropriate and might cause them to sin. I am quick to tell my kids to look away from a commercial during football games, but I need to start explaining why in more detail. This is a "skill" that will be crucial to their surviving in this sin-filled world.
Lord, give me the wisdom and discernment to know when and how to teach my sons this self-control!!!
Chapter 2 was about the typical male's desire for adventure. There was a lot in this chapter...another chapter full of highlighted, starred, and asterisked sections ;) I will sum it up with this week's Quote of the Week...
"Adults sometimes equate a desire for adventure with immaturity and recklessness. The Bible makes a distinction and so should we. The desire to conquer, to win against the odds, to do great things - these can be admirable ambitions." (p. 48)
Lord, give me the wisdom and discernment to know when and how to teach my sons this self-control!!!
Chapter 2 was about the typical male's desire for adventure. There was a lot in this chapter...another chapter full of highlighted, starred, and asterisked sections ;) I will sum it up with this week's Quote of the Week...
"Adults sometimes equate a desire for adventure with immaturity and recklessness. The Bible makes a distinction and so should we. The desire to conquer, to win against the odds, to do great things - these can be admirable ambitions." (p. 48)

I am thoroughly enjoying reading your comments on our book - it is such a blessing to hear how the Lord is using it!
I linked to your blog today from our Facebook page: http://facebook.com/raisingrealmen.
Looking forward to your next installment --
Much love,
We were walking thru a mall. We never go to malls anymore, but I had to go to the Apple store. I felt like I was experiencing culture shock. I wasn't prepared for Victoria's Secret and my daughter who was 7 quickly told the boys, "look away." I think I was as shocked as they were but I will NEVER forget how the Lord prepared my daughter to share those few words with her brothers.
Now when the TV is on and commercials sometimes happen or even in a cartoon, my boys know there are things that just aren't appropriate and they will, look away, change the channel, or just turn it off and do something else.
And to conclude my thought here. A child teaches a parent. Now my husband is learning to avert his eyes. WOW! The Lord is very powerful in His timing. And as the mom and wife, it feels good to see them do this.
Thanks for sharing about this book. :)