All I want for Christmas

If I could write a wish list
for each and every one
for all of my four children,
yes, each and every son.

Transformers, games, and gadgets
cars and trucks and blue airplanes,
I would certainly change these things.
Each list - too much contains!

My list would be quite simple
I wouldn't ask for much
our toys and clothes and all that junk?
Can go to such and such.

What I truly want for them,
they cannot touch or see
but, oh, how they will know the joy
if they will just believe.

I want my children to know the Lord,
in a personal kind of way.
Oh, dear Lord, save their souls
Be real to them, I pray.

All I ever want for Christmas,
I'll ask again each year,
Become their Lord and Savior.
I know my "wish" You'll hear!


Anonymous said…
Anna, That's great! How I prayed that everday for you! God is amazing! As I see you both mature as a woman of faith & a godly wife & mother, I am eternally grateful to our
merciful Almighty Father. And, I am praying with you for the salvation of those boys, you can be sure. I love you!!!

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