Today's devotional...

I (and my mom, coincidentally!) am reading Jesus Calling by Sarah Young for my morning devotional. I didn't read it this morning but just read it tonight and wanted to share how cool God is in speaking through this book. I mean, you would think He actually knows what's going on in my life (wink.)

(March 31)
"Taste and see that I am good. The more intimately you experience Me, the more convinced you become of My goodness. I am the Living One who sees you and longs to participate in your life. I am training you to find Me in each moment and to be a channel of My loving Presence. Sometimes My blessings come to you in mysterious ways: through pain and trouble. At such times you can know My goodness only through your trust in Me. Understanding will fail you, but trust will keep you close to Me........."

Love it:)


Anonymous said…
I almost called you when I read that yesterday morning!!! Awesome, isn't it!!
Jessica said…
Cool, Anna. I love that pic of little Eli. He's a little rolly poly? or is that just from the camera angle. I want to see more of him!

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