
There's nothing like listening to "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me and hearing your 3 year old shout JESUS!!!! with such excitement when they sing His name. While Justus doesn't entirely get the whole Jesus "thing";), I love his innocence about it all.

I made a cross out of sticks and some string today while we were playing outside, and Justus was telling me about Jesus dying on the cross. When I asked him why Jesus died on the cross, he said "so cars could drive on it"....What?! I don't know where he came up with that one!! We talked about how Jesus died and rose again and was in Heaven. Justus then told me that he wanted to go to Heaven when he died. It's so exciting to hear him say that:) We talked some more about what all of that meant and what believing in the truth of God and Jesus could mean in his life. It was such a precious time, and so funny to hear some of his explanations...hahaha


That is precious! It makes me excited for Gabriella to start talking:) I love reading your blog....I especially liked the one about your "typical" morning! (I've read it a few times!) I'm still adjusting to one baby, trying to figure out some sort of routine. Still not quite sure what I'm doing half the time, but I love it! I am in awe of you with your three (not to mention three BOYS!)

Anonymous said…
How neat to see how God is preparing Justus' heart! Thank you for sharing the story of your time with him! It makes me remember the conversations you and I had when you were 3. Dad and I were amazed at your sensitivity to things of the Lord. We were preparing ourselves for what we might say to you if you brought up asking Jesus into your heart at 3 years old!!!

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