Things to keep in the car during the summer

We are big park-hoppers when the weather is nice. Anytime we are bored or stir-crazy, we go to a park. Anytime we have some time to explore, we go to a park. We went to one of our favorites today, and we were lacking many necessary park supplies!!:) I have decided to stock our car with the following items TO REMAIN IN THE CAR THE ENTIRE SUMMER (haha, yeah right like that will happen!).....

1. sand toys
2. balls (all sizes, shapes, and sports)
3. sidewalk chalk
4. bread for ducks, turtles, birds, and fish
5. change of clothes for EVERYONE, including myself, AND including extra diapers, wipes, underwear, socks and shoes
6. Eli's wrap
7. a picnic blanket
8. J and T's kites
9. a couple beach towels for wiping off wet slides, etc.
10. random park toys, like little cars and animals
11. toys for Eli to play with on the blanket

Looks like I need to go clean out my car before I add all this junk to the mix! Don't ask me where the stroller and kids are going to sit! ;) Oh, and don't worry, my camera is always in my purse:)


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