1. I had ONE baby yesterday!!!!!!!!! Josiah Thomas Frye was born at 7:08 am. 7 lbs 3.5 oz, 20 inches long. I feel like I was in labor for the past week or so, but I started timing contractions a little after 1 in the morning, and he was born 6 hours later!!! I cannot believe women give birth to twins/triplets drug-free. I always forget about delivering the placenta and then the contractions post-birth, and it's always so disheartening!! I can't imagine pushing one head out and then knowing there's more coming! We are so happy for a healthy baby boy!!

2. The number of roller skates Justus bought at the store with his money yesterday. Thanks Uncle Brian and Aunt Lauren, and Grammy and PopPop!!!!! :) Isn't he so cute?!!

3. Derek did not even get a whole 3 days off from work. He had to go in this morning to cover for his "sub," because the doc had meetings. He will be here this afternoon and tomorrow, but then he has to go back Friday! I think they expected him to be there the afternoon Josiah was born! No, thank you!!!
4. The number of boys who will be running around this house like crazy people before I know it. Oh, we are in for it!! (Justus looks like a giant here in his roller skates! haha)

5. Justus will be FIVE years old tomorrow. We kept telling him he would have his birthday and then Josiah would be born, so he was a little confused about that. I think he got over it, though :)

6. The number of cupcakes that WOULD have been eaten for Josiah's birthday if he could actually have eaten one :) We are officially a family of six now, and Derek and the boys bought cupcakes to celebrate. They brought one for Josiah and sang "Happy birthday." It was so sweet!

(Titus is STILL battling the sickness that started with Eli. Poor guy wants to hold his new baby brother and love on him so bad. It is so cute to see Titus being a big brother. He already is a big brother to Eli, but when Eli was born, Titus was so young. I feel like this is really the first time he has been able to fully take on the roll.)
7. In seven days, my mom will be here to help!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Soon after, Grandbob is coming!!! Not long after that, Uncle Brian and Aunt Lauren are coming to play!!!! Anyone else want to join the guest list???
8. The number of Advil I can take in a 24 hr period for my post-birth contractions. *sigh* I think they are worse with each pregnancy.
9. Nine months from now, I will NOT be having a baby, and for that, I am thankful :) AND I hope to NOT be finding out around that time that I am expecting again! I think my body needs a break!
10. The number of "Prison Break" episodes I have to watch to catch up to Derek. We started watching them online once "Lost" was over, because we didn't know quite what to do with our evenings. Derek had his wisdom teeth out a week or so ago, and he went a little crazy watching them without me. I have plenty of time in bed to catch up now!!

And finally, for the record, Eli was a little unsure of his new baby brother at first, but this is a picture of him showing his love :) I think he's going to like the little guy after all.


Unknown said…
I love love love love this post! You are so creative in your writing. Adorable pic of Mr Eli, that smile is just awesome. Now I know exactly what to pray about for you. I will pray for the ease of those post baby pains, Mr Titus to get better, some R&R for you when your parents come and tremendous amounts of energy for them to keep up with those Frye boys and some sort of break for Derek to be able to enjoy some family time. And I must not forget extra time in your day for prison break...HA! Thinking of you!
I your post! I honestly don't know how you have the presence of mind to be so creative 24 hours after giving birth!!! Don't know if I could even put a sentence together! haha CONGRATS on the newest baby boy Frye! He is precious! Praying for a speedy recovery and a really good sleeper and lots of energy for mom:)
Cindy said…
Congratulations Anna and everyone! What a mom! :)
Jessica said…
Maybe my favorite post ever.......I love you and your beautiful growing family. Those boys look so adorable and loving in all the pictures. The cupcakes are genius. The roller skates are genius. I'll be praying for all your pains. You're so tough! So impressed! Lots of love to Baby Josiah!

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