38 weeks today!!

I had an appt. with my midwife today. Eli has moved UP to zero station...but she said that could change easily and often. I am 80% effaced, but that also doesn't mean much to me. I remember being 80% effaced with one of the boys and not going into labor anytime soon!! Everything seems like random information at this point to me. I think it all can just change and happen pretty quickly, but I was certainly hoping for a little more hope of him coming sooner than later:) Oh well, all in due time!!!! I definitely don't want him to come before he's ready! Due "dates" are kind of silly anyway. Maybe I'm just trying to talk myself out of expecting anything at a certain moment:) Labor will probably begin when I least expect it,and all of a sudden, I will be having a baby:) haha I AM a fingertip dilated, so I'll hang onto that for now! Meanwhile, here's a picture of Justus with his newfound hobby...catching caterpillars:) (Gotta love boys!!)


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