Great pictures! It looks like everyone had a great time. Naormi is adorable!! I love the picture of her sitting in the kitchen with her cap on! Sooooo cute! The boys and Derek had some fun bonding time. I know you loved the extra perk of having him home....#bonus day! I can't wait to see everyone!!!!
Chapter 3 was a very short chapter, but full of ideas on a simple truth: Boys will become men who will eventually come to a situation or position where they will need to stand up for what they believe in. In certain situations, this might mean they are left standing alone (hence the title of the chapter, "Standing Alone.") Through the reading of Luke 16:10 ("He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much,") the Young's set out to give their sons responsibilities and leadership positions in baby steps. Most importantly, it all began under parental supervision. Their purpose in this plan was to make sure their boys were given ample opportunity to face real-life obstacles while Mom and Dad were there by their side. When the boys became men and were truly faced with those situations (withOUT Mom and Dad), they had the confidence and courage to stand alone and do what was right. My favorite lesson in this chapter (and one I was quick to share with my h...
Moving into Part Two of the book, "Civilization for the Tough," the Young's begin with "First Things" first! What do you think is the first thing involved in raising REAL men to be civilized? Deuteronomy 6:4-7 The Young's have dubbed this passage of Scripture "the basic commandment for homeschoolers." I think many homeschoolers use this passage, as well as Deut. 11:18-20 , which I even have had on my homeschool blog for awhile :) To summarize the verses: Teach (these words) diligently to your children, talk of them while you sit, when you walk, when you lie down, when you rise... The foundation of the raising of our children (boys or girls) must begin here. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength," and with all your mind (which we so often forget!!!) (Matthew 22:37) I am so glad the Young's state this as being first, because even though, as a believer, it seems obvious, it can s...
Moving on to chapter 5, we face the topic of discipline . I couldn't WAIT to read this chapter (only that's a lie...I did NOT go into this topic with a cheerful heart!) Lord, forgive me . I often say I have so much to learn when it comes to parenting, but on the subject of discipline?? Well, saying I have a lot to learn is quite an understatement. I often think I'm getting this discipline thing down, you know? Things are going well, my kids are behaving...and then another child hits a different phase, and we're back at square one. It's draining, to say the least. Thankfully, this chapter was full of Scripture, biblical truth, and practical ideas. Let's go... The title of this chapter is "Who's In Charge Here?" The authors take us down the simple chain of command, reminding us how important it is for us to both realize the truth of this ourselves and also to teach our kids how this leadership thing works. First, God is the ultimate authority. God gi...