Keep fighting!! (...or get started!!)

"We have been snared in the coils of a spurious logic which insists that if we have found Him, we need no more seek Him." (Tozer, The Pursuit of God)

It is an awesome chase, let's not grow weary!! The more we seek Him and look to Him, the less we seek elsewhere...

A page later, Tozer writes, "In the midst of this great chill there are some...who will not be content with shallow logic. They will admit the force of the argument, and then turn away with tears to hunt some lonely place and pray, 'O God, show me thy glory.' They want to taste, to touch with their hearts, to see with their inner eyes the wonder that is God."

A few days ago, John Piper posted an amazing thought on Facebook.
If you weary of God's glory displayed in our million-earths-size sun, consider a billion-suns-size star.
(This link was part of that post.)

If we are overwhelmed by the thought of the glory of God here, while we are still on this wretched earth...dare we try to wrap our heads around His glorious display of Himself when it is no longer "contained?!" Seeking Him isn't always convenient (truly, it's pretty inconvenient on a typical day!) There is so much we can't understand about much we can't even begin to fathom in these little brains of ours. That's why our search is called a "fight." He promises, though, in James 4:8 that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.

My thoughts are jumbled, I know. Honestly, I am trying not to think too much. I hope He is speaking through me, even if I am a jumbled up mess!! I am sitting on my bed with Bible open, journal and pen hard at work, and 3 books at my fingertips (not to mention the great YouTube! ;) ) I am praying for everyone who stumbles upon this post, this blog.

Meditate on Deut. 4:29...


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