Family Bible Time

The mom who writes this blog is incredible. She is using the gifts God gave her to minister wholeheartedly to her family, and I am learning MUCH through her example. One thing we have adopted in our family (just one of the many blessings of reading her blog) is Family Bible Time. Now, I know a LOT of families do Family Devotionals and things like that...but I never felt like the ideas/examples I tried to mirror worked for our family. With the ages of our boys and the work schedule Derek has to keep up with, I needed JUST what this sweet woman was blogging about. A couple weeks ago, Jessica (because we might as well call her by her first name, right?) wrote on her blog that she wanted to be held accountable for having these Family Bible Times. She invited us (her readers) to commit to doing this regularly as well. Since our Family Bible Times pretty much halted once Christmas fun began, I was thrilled to jump on the wagon!!

Here is Jessica's post about this call to commitment, here is a Family Time (They call their time "Family Time"...we just add in "Bible" so the boys know exactly what to expect.) idea I very much took and used for our family this past Fall, and here is a Family Bible Time I posted about previously on our blog (which I also very much took from Jessica's blog ;) ) Many of our ideas do come from her...I think Jessica is so gracious to post and share the ideas God has placed on her and her husband's hearts (and don't worry, she openly invites us to steal them :) )


My sweet husband actually bought a book called Family Faith Walks "On-the-Go Faith Activities," so we used that this weekend. I have a notebook filled with ideas, many of which we used this past Fall. It will be great to have that notebook, Jessica's blog, and our new book as inspiration and motivation to do this on a regular basis. Here is our Family Bible Time from this weekend:

John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

The boys filled a vase with hearts on straws. On each heart, they wrote how God has shown His love for us.

How can we show love to our brothers? Our friends? Our parents? We learned about St. Valentine, and we talked about how God displayed His love for us. (John 3:16) We discussed what a Christian is and the fact that St. Valentine was killed for witnessing to others. (John 15:13)

God's love was so great that He sent Jesus to suffer a painful death on the cross. We can love because He first loved us.


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