Day in the Life (It's a crazy one!!)
6:30 Alarm goes off, kids are talking upstairs (not supposed to talk or be out of bed until 7:00, so I go handle that) See/hear that it's raining, so I get back in bed to sleep a little more (Rain = cancelled swim lessons...or so I thought at the time)
7:00 Haven't really slept, keep checking on rain status, checking online to see if lessons were for sure cancelled, try to call but no luck in finding out for sure
7:45 Well, lessons were at 8 for Titus and Eli, so we're definitely not going.
8:00 Get through to local recreation center: "If you haven't received a call from your child's instructor, classes are still on!" (Whoops, missed Titus and Eli's last class)
Jump up to get ready for Justus' lesson (which is at 9:20) Call mother in law to let her know I'll be bringing a couple of the kids by 9.
8:40 Everyone in the car, dry clothes packed...did I mention it's been raining this whole time? Justus is hoping for a cancelled class. "I'm going to be freezing!!"
9:00 Titus and Josiah are at Grammy's, Eli and Justus and I head to swim lessons
9:20-10:00 Eli and I sit wrapped up in a jacket and Justus' beach towel while watching him swim in the cold rain...poor kid! He did great though (swam by himself for the first time at a friend's house yesterday afternoon, so he is very excited about that)
10:15 Justus is dressed and we are in the warm car. Call Grammy to see if she minds keeping T and Siah another hour so I can take Justus to basketball camp without hauling everyone in and out of the car in the rain. She says yes!! Love her :) Stop at Starbucks to get a Caramel Machiato for me and a blueberry muffin (didn't have time for breakfast this morning!) Also, stop at ChickfilA for chicken minis for J and E.
11:00 Drop Justus off at basketball camp. He is getting so old!! He asked me to sign him up for this camp, and he couldn't wait to get here.
11:15 Swing by Grammy's to pick up T and S, come home, feed the 3 boys lunch, put Si down for a nap
12:30 T and E play and watch TV and have some popcorn and milk while I get myself dressed and presentable (which did NOT happen this morning...the getting dressed part did of course, but certainly not pretty ;) ) Do some stuff on the computer (get meal ideas, check email and FB, etc.)
2:00 Make myself a quick lunch of yogurt/granola/strawberries and slices of ham, plus crackers
2:30 Get Josiah up from nap so we can go pick up Justus (He gets his popcorn and milk in the car.)
3:00 Pick Justus up, hear all about his camp (he LOVED it and wants me to sign him up for another one), run to Walmart for a few things
4:30 Swing by the house to drop off cold food, cut up an apple snack for the boys
5:00 Go to Titus' gymnastics class, try to sit and watch but have to go to car because Josiah insists on trying to join a class and Eli is whining about something. We play in the car and eat pistachios until it's time to go back in.
6:30 Come home, start dinner, send Justus and Eli to shower while Titus and Siah play in the living room. (They will shower with Daddy in the morning.)
7:30 Derek is home!! Eat mango smoothies and salad with boiled eggs, bacon, cheese, cucumbers, and carrots for dinner (boys get all of that, but spread out separately on their plates) We don't usually wait until Derek is home to eat dinner, because that's usually too late...just happened that way because of gymnastics tonight.
8:00 Brush teeth, read books, bedtime!! (Justus gets to stay up a little later than everyone else.)
9:00 Lay in bed with my sweetie on our laptops, while he works and listens to a basketball game and works, and I type this day in the life post!!
6:30 Come home, start dinner, send Justus and Eli to shower while Titus and Siah play in the living room. (They will shower with Daddy in the morning.)
7:30 Derek is home!! Eat mango smoothies and salad with boiled eggs, bacon, cheese, cucumbers, and carrots for dinner (boys get all of that, but spread out separately on their plates) We don't usually wait until Derek is home to eat dinner, because that's usually too late...just happened that way because of gymnastics tonight.
8:00 Brush teeth, read books, bedtime!! (Justus gets to stay up a little later than everyone else.)
9:00 Lay in bed with my sweetie on our laptops, while he works and listens to a basketball game and works, and I type this day in the life post!!