Our Christmas Fun...Days 20-25

After our Frye fam celebration, we left for Memphis and then Knoxville to visit
family and celebrate Christmas. We saw aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and more :)
The drive is never FUN, but the boys did well, considering how long they were in the car
after it was all said and done. Enjoy the show!

I almost forgot to post about our trip to Chuck E. Cheese!! The boys had a blast, and it was a much-needed night out on the town for all of us :) Believe it or not, the boys had never been to Chuck E. Cheese before (except when Justus attended a birthday party there as a baby!) They had so much fun...I love some of these pictures! (Sorry for the overload...I didn't feel like doing another slideshow!)

All 3 of them LOVED this show

Grandbob and Derek had to race

Justus loved carrying around his own tokens

Roller coaster ride


Anonymous said…
I keep telling everyone how much fun we all had, even with the "sickness"! We certainly did some bonding!

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