This is the day the Lord has made...

I sit here in bed, listening to wonderful music that soothes my mind and soul and somehow my body as well. Yes, music is powerful!!

Thoughts of this day ending fill my head...what could I have done differently? Where did I fail? What are some positives and good moments I can focus on and thank God for? My head is cloudy. I sit here and wonder how prayer is really going to help sibling rivalry...a child with an unrepentant heart...disobedience. Surely there is another book I need to read, maybe an article I can find on Google?!

Why is turning to the Maker of my children often my last resort...or at least the one I find the least confidence in? The One Who loves my children more than I do...more than I could ever possibly fathom. The One Who knows their future, knows their hearts, knows the present inside and out. The One Who has the power to change, the unending grace to give, the unconditional love to love with.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it."
Ps. 127:1a

Praise the Lord, His mercies are new E.V.E.R.Y. morning!!


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