Christmas 2013
Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Halloween, Happy's
been awhile :) Are you ready for a Frye family update? So many of you sent us
the infamous picture of the four boys and one baby girl via Pinterest,
Facebook, text message, and email. We happily obliged with a similar picture of
our new baby girl and her four big brothers. (If you have no idea what I'm
talking about, then great! That makes ours an original in your mind!! :) )
Where do I begin? Let's start with the adults for a change!
Derek's clinic is booming, and he loves everything about his job as a
chiropractor...except for the paperwork. For those of you in this type of
field, you know paperwork is done at every possible moment when not seeing
patients or sleeping. It is what it is, and Derek is a trooper. We are so
thankful for his hardworking attitude, his love of his patients, and his
commitment to our family when he does get a second to himself. He never takes a
day off (or even an hour) just for himself. I call him an energizer bunny, but
I know he pushes through a lot of exhaustion and stress for the sake of my
sanity and to play with the boys. We love him, and his patients think he hung
the moon. On top of working like a dog, Derek took it upon himself this year to
coach Justus' select baseball team. He has coached the boys' baseball teams off
and on, but this was on a whole new level. I was pregnant with Naomi, and Titus
and Eli were also on baseball teams for a different league (not to mention
dragging Josiah around to every practice and game.) Needless to say, we were
running ragged. It was a whirlwind of a season, but Derek was such an amazing
leader to those boys. It was stressful for Derek and for me, but it gave me
great joy to see him excel in that area and I think he enjoyed it.
I found myself barefoot and pregnant yet again after our 10
year anniversary trip to Costa Rica in January. Talk about a surprise!!
Speaking of which, our trip was AMAZING. It was the first time we had left the
boys, and we didn't miss them a BIT! (just kidding, we thought about them once
or twice) I'm sure some of you saw our pictures on Facebook. It was so
beautiful, so relaxing. Like I said, we even got a gift out of it! I'm still
homeschooling Justus and Titus, although that hasn't happened much since that
gift arrived. New Year's resolution? Get back to school...and maybe try to get
my house in order. I'm exhausted, overwhelmed, and trying to survive. I cannot
believe we have 5 children. It's so surreal, but even while I'm in over my
head, I am head over heels in love with these crazies and can't believe God saw
fit to put them in my care for the time being. We are a walking circus, and I love
it most of the time ;)
Justus is 8 and in second grade. He loves whatever sport is
in season, so he's obsessed with football right now. His favorite team is the
Packers, so he's getting almost everything Packers-ish for Christmas this year.
He will be starting a new select baseball team in 2014, so hold onto your
hats...we are in for another tornado baseball season. (Derek's not coaching
this time, whew!) Justus loves making paper “art” and also enjoys writing sweet
notes to his brothers and sister. He is such a thoughtful, helpful child. I
truly don't know how I would survive without his help. He is still enthusiastic
about being his siblings' second mom, so I'm milking it :) Funny story: he even
gave Josiah “mom eyes” once when Josiah was acting up (and it worked.) It was
Titus is 6 and in first grade. The boy is just plain smart.
It blows me away and cracks me up at the same time. He knows almost every NFL
player's name, number, and birthdate. I'm kidding...kind of. He doesn't draw as
much as he used to, but he still loves legos, baseball, football, and cats. He
swears he is never going to get married but that he will also have no less than
15 cats when he grows up. I figure those 2 things probably go hand in hand, so
I'm letting him run with it. An odd dream, indeed!
Eli just turned 5 and celebrated with his first friend
birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Call us crazy, but we love Chuck E Cheese.
Considering that baby being born thing, we figured this was a good year to let
Mr. Cheese throw the party. He had a blast, and we all survived. Eli is in
preschool 3 days a week and is starting to read. If you know anything about Bob
books, I can tell you that the 3rd time around listening to them is
just as torturous as the first. He's so proud of his newfound skill, though,
and we are proud of him. Eli loves playing board games and card games. Oh and
video games. I think the child lives for screen time.
Josiah is 3. Hilarious. Smart. Clothes. Those are the three
words that best describe Josiah. He makes us laugh constantly. The
conversations this child can have with even a stranger are so funny. He also
cracks us up with his love of clothes. He asked for clothes for Christmas. (not
your typical 3 year old least as far as boys go anyway!) He
changes his clothes 15 times a day, and that is not even an exaggeration. He is
laundry's worst nightmare. It's pretty cute, though, especially because his
favorite color is orange. He will come downstairs decked out in orange baseball
socks, orange shorts, an orange shirt, and if you're lucky, an orange hat. It
is a LOUD outfit, and he has many other “outfits” he has put together that are
equally as “color coordinated.” He is a fashion genius ;)
Finally, we have Naomi...lying in my lap while I type this,
smiling away and trying her hardest to have a deep, meaningful conversation
with me (at least that's what her eyes and mouth are telling me.) The poor girl
never gets much time to herself or any quiet. We end up paying for that when
bedtime rolls around, because apparently she's so used to the constant
commotion, she doesn't like to sleep in the absence of it. Naomi was born
November 16 and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. She was our biggest baby, so the
boys have translated our mentioning of that as her being the biggest baby ever.
They mention that often...(their world is very small.) She's precious. So loved
and doted on. The boys talk to her in little sweet voices that I've never heard
come out of their mouths before. It's so funny. Our past 3 babies have started
crawling right when they turned 6 months old. It simply is not safe for me to
give Naomi much tummy time, as the chaos in this house involves indoor football
and running like madmen to do flips onto and off of couches and other
furniture, so I'm assuming she'll be late in that area!!
We are so thankful for our sweet princess, as well as the
many other gifts and blessings 2013 has brought. God's grace is evident yet
again. We are most thankful, of course, for the gift of Jesus' life, death, and
resurrection. We honestly have not done much this Christmas, as we have in
Christmases past. Normally, we are learning names of Jesus or keeping
traditions of advent trees and other family pastimes. This year, we haven't
even made cookies. It makes me a little sad, but I have to say I have
appreciated having less on my plate as far as the planning and stress that goes
along with keeping up with all of that. 2013 will go down as a Christmas of
simplicity amidst the everyday events that are already exciting enough in and
of themselves. We hope you all are well, and we appreciate your keeping up with
us on Facebook and through reading this extremely long letter. We love you and
do wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
The Frye Fam
Derek, Anna, Justus, Titus, Eli, Josiah, and Naomi
I loved the update on all the kiddos! Thanks!