Titus is 4


Four years ago, you were born. Sweet, tiny little baby boy. Our second born son. We were so thankful God brought you into our family.

Two years ago, we were praising the Lord for allowing us to keep you. You fell into a swimming pool when no one was around, but (Hallelujah!) God prompted Daddy and I to go outside looking for you. He saved your life, and we never want you to grow up not knowing about that. Your days have been numbered by your heavenly Father. You have a purpose, He has a plan for you, and we feel so blessed to be a part of that.

Today, according to you :) (even though you're only 26 lbs.) you are officially a big boy. You are already displaying more confidence and taking on more responsibility. My prayer for you is that you would be strong and courageous. God is always with you, He will never leave you...that is His promise. He is strong and mighty even when we are not, and I pray that you will know that fully even at four years old.

God is using you in our family. You bring joy and laughter to each and every one of us on a daily basis. Your dad and I pray that we will know how to guide your strong will and persistent spirit along the path of the righteous. We pray that the things we see as struggles in your early years of life will be used for His kingdom purposes as you mature and grow into a man. Most importantly, our hope is that you will submit your heart and your life to Jesus as your Savior. You are a crazy, wild little boy, and we can't wait to see the Lord's will fulfilled in your life.

Happy birthday, Teej.


Jessica said…
Happy Birthday Titus!!!

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