Four kids later
I used to use a fork and knife to cut up the baby's food into tiny pieces, now I use my teeth. I never thought I would let my child scream and carry on in public, now there's no way I would waste all that time I spent getting all of the groceries I have managed to get while shopping, so you can bet I'm going to finish that trip while he cries! I used to use a food processor for the baby's meals or even make special mushy things just for HIM, now I serve what I affectionately call "ABC" food (already been chewed, by me.) I boast in the good bacteria I am adding to their food. I always wanted children who would obey the first time, behave in public, and speak clearly and politely to strangers. Now I hardly ever leave the house with my children. I used to use Babywise, now I have four kids (Do I even need to expound on that one?) I never thought I'd use the television as a babysitter. Now I know it's the only free one that is available at any given moment...