
Showing posts from December, 2017

Black History

They had been BEGGING me to go here for months. Justus and Titus are both very interested in black history. They devour historical fiction books, nonfiction chapter books, kids' storybooks...anything they can get their hands on about black history. They ask to watch documentaries and movies about anything to do with Jackie Robinson or Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King, Jr.  I don't know what causes kids to grab hold of certain subjects or topics, and I know many things lose their novelty almost as quickly as the curiosity peaks...but this has been an interest for well over a year now. When I mentioned months ago that there was an African American Museum in Dallas, they made it their goal to pester me for a field trip until I found a good day. We finally made it. This museum is FREE, and we even parked right in front of it for FREE. There was literally only one other group there. Of two people. So maybe it's not the most popular thing in Dallas, but we enjoyed it...