6:30 Alarm goes off, kids are talking upstairs (not supposed to talk or be out of bed until 7:00, so I go handle that) See/hear that it's raining, so I get back in bed to sleep a little more (Rain = cancelled swim lessons...or so I thought at the time) 7:00 Haven't really slept, keep checking on rain status, checking online to see if lessons were for sure cancelled, try to call but no luck in finding out for sure 7:45 Well, lessons were at 8 for Titus and Eli, so we're definitely not going. 8:00 Get through to local recreation center: "If you haven't received a call from your child's instructor, classes are still on!" (Whoops, missed Titus and Eli's last class) Jump up to get ready for Justus' lesson (which is at 9:20) Call mother in law to let her know I'll be bringing a couple of the kids by 9. 8:40 Everyone in the car, dry clothes packed...did I mention it's been raining this whole time? Justus is hoping for a cancelled class...