It's almost cliche, right?? We hear it so often, we say it with our kids, sing it at bedtime. Do we think about it? Believe it?? The boys received some bracelets the other day for Christmas that say these simple, yet profound words. Thing is, one of those bracelets is pink. It was sitting, abandoned by 3 little boys, in my van as I sat at a red light. I decided to put it on. Then I continued to look down at it (partly checking to see how silly I looked in a child's bracelet.) Then I found myself pondering the words. Jesus loves me Jesus LOVES me Jesus loves ME!! JESUS loves ME!!! Some people from our previous church adapted the hymn "Nothing but the Blood," and there is one phrase in that song (" Only the Blood ") that gets me everytime... "You are gracious in saving, You are perfect in loving , You are one day returning" I cry almost every time I sing that part. And I'm not a crier. (My husband will laugh when he reads that.) But it's so t...