November 26, 2008 Eli's birthday:)
After having Braxton Hicks contractions over the past month (and praying that my water would break when I went into labor to avoid having to guess if it was true labor:)), I started having pretty painful contractions at around 1am Wednesday morning. I tried to time them, but some seemed like they were right on top of each other. Derek and I got up, got our stuff together, and left for the birth center. We called my midwife (Betty), and she said to call her back when they were 5 minutes apart and ALL at least a minute long. (She said that the 30 second contractions would not actually be dilating my cervix.) The birth center is 30 minutes from our house, so we decided to go ahead and drive there. We walked in the birth center at 3am. Betty listened to Eli's heartbeat, checked my vitals, and checked to see if I was dilated. I was at 3cm and 80% effaced. I birthed mostly on the floor, with the birthing ball, and leaning on the bed for awhile. Once I got into the birth tub, I stayed! Si...